The Chapter of Geneva, where so many princes and bishops formerly thought it an honor to be seated, although in exile it lost its ancient splendor, retained (without any diminution) its pleasure. He informed us his identify was Venture de Villeneuve, that he came from Paris, had lost his way, and seeming to neglect that he had introduced himself for a musician, added that he was going to Grenoble to see a relation that was a member of Parliament. Being one Sunday at Madam de Warens, a building belonging to the Cordeliers, which joined her home, took hearth; this building which contained their oven, being stuffed with dry fagots, blazed violently and enormously endangered the home; for the wind occurring to drive the flames that method, it was coated with them. Madam de Warens made us acquainted; I hooked up myself to him, and he appeared not displeased with me. At an institution dinner that the bishop gave the canons, and to which M. Maitre was all the time invited, the abbe failed in some formality, including, at the same time, some harsh phrases, which the opposite couldn’t digest; he immediately formed the resolution to give up them the following night; nor may any consideration make him hand over his design, though Madam de Warens (whom he went to take go away of) spared no pains to appease him.
This was really unlucky, for he had a good heart, and was so playful that Madam de Warens used to call him the kitten. A pension was talked of, and agreed on; in short, I went home with him, and handed the winter the extra agreeably at his chambers, as they weren’t above twenty paces distant from Madam de Warens’, the place we steadily supped together. During supper we talked of music, on which topic he spoke well: he knew all the good virtuosi, all of the celebrated works, all of the actors, actresses, pretty girls, and powerful lords; in brief nothing was talked about however what he appeared totally acquainted with. He could not relinquish the pleasure of leaving his tyrants embarrassed for the Easter feast, at which time he knew they stood in best want of him. The guts of the nice Le Maitre leaped on the identify of a French musician, for he passionately cherished each his country and occupation; he therefore offered the younger traveller his service-and use of his apartment, which he appeared to stand a lot in need of, and which he accepted without much ceremony. Thus a lot I might say, that as far as I can recollect what my ideas have been at that time, I used to be sincerely, and in good earnest a Catholic.
It may easily be supposed that this situation, ever gay, and singing with the musicians and youngsters of the choir, was extra pleasing to me than the seminary and fathers of St. Lazarus. I must confess Le Maitre deserved it of her, for he was (if I might use the expression) devoted to her service, in whatever appertained to both his art or information, and the readiness with which he obliged gave a double value to his complaisance: thus she solely paid again, on an essential occasion, the many favors he had been long conferring on her; although I should observe, she possessed a soul that, to meet such duties, had no occasion to be reminded of earlier obligations. Mademoiselle Merceret, Madam de Warens’ chambermaid, knew something of music; I shall always remember a bit of piece that M. le Maitre made me sing with her, and which her mistress listened to with nice satisfaction. It is said the provincials revenge themselves on their enemies by songs; M. d’Aubonne revenged himself on his by a comedy, which he sent to Madam de Warens, who confirmed it to me. The nice bishop, who that day was visiting Madam de Warens, didn’t stay idle; he took her into the garden, where they went to prayers with the remainder that had been assembled there, and where sometime afterwards, I discovered them on their knees, and presently joined them.
Commonism’ is not any explicit ideology, but a perception in ‘widespread’ human beings, ‘peculiar’ folks working collectively for a standard good. M. Reydelet, curate of Seyssel, was canon of St. Peter’s, consequently known to M. le Maitre, and one of the individuals from whom he ought to have taken most pains to conceal himself; my advice, on the contrary, was to present ourselves to him, and, underneath some pretext, entreat entertainment as if we visited him by consent of the chapter. Yeah. There are advanced conspiracies which can be running everywhere in the world, but the general public working them are completely inept, are unbelievably silly, that the plans are provide you with are pretty very like these CIA plans for killing Castro, which included exploding cigars, chemicals to make his beard fall out, and thus take away his masculinity within the eyes of the Cuban people, and a brilliant plan to stage the Second Coming of Jesus Christ within the Bay of Pigs by using amplification technology and fireworks, which the primitive and superstitious individuals of Cuba had clearly never heard of so as to make them suppose that Jesus Christ had come again and was actually, really pissed off at Fidal Castro.